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Healthy Choice Ravioli, Pumpkin Squash 10 oz

Pumpkin filled ravioli, green beans, apples and butternut squash in a butter-sage sauce. 100% natural. 280 calories. Vegetarian. No preservatives. Visit us at Fresh taste unlocked by steam. Your favorite Healthy Choice 100% natural entrees are now Cafe Steamers! With this change, you can expect fresh taste and texture unlocked by our unique Cafe Steamers dual steaming tray. Healthy Choice 100% natural meals are free of artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. For more information, please visit us at Food you love. Weight Watchers PointsPlus Value: 7 (The PointsPlus value for this product was calculated by ConAgra Foods, and is provided for informational purposes only. This is not an endorsement, sponsorship or approval of this product or its manufacture by Weight Watchers International, Inc., the owner of the Weight Watchers and PointsPlus registered trademarks). Diet Exchanges (Diet exchanges are based on Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes. Copyright 2008 by the American Diabetes Assoc., Inc. and the Academy of Nutrition and Dieters) per Serving: 3 starch; 1 vegetable; 1 fat. Child hunger ends here. Get involved; go to