Festival Foods Brat Stand

Grilling for a Cause

Gear up for grilling season and catch the attention of our guests by using the Festival Foods Brat Stand for your fundraiser. The Brat Stand allows your nonprofit organization to raise money, get more exposure and connect over Wisconsin's favorite foods!


brats on grill

The Festival Foods Brat Stand will be open April 1–Sept. 14. Follow the instructions below to reserve your dates! Each store requires a 48-hour notice for all sign ups. The optimal grilling times are from 10 a.m.–6 p.m. with at least two hours of setup time allotted.

Click the "Sign Up Now" button to be redirected to the date request form and then select your store. Choose your preferred date(s) for the Brat Stand. You may choose up to three dates for each organization.

Sign Up Dates:
Feb. 18 — Sept. 12

Please note: If needed, we will reach out to organizations with any concerns on dates chosen. We also reserve the right to adjust dates at any time. Cancellations require a minimum 48 hour notice. Failure to do so will forfeit your deposit and Festival Foods reserves the right to deny any future Brat Stand usage.

Get Ready for Your Big Day

On the day of the Brat Stand, you must bring:

Your signed Brat Stand contract.

Pay a $25 deposit.

Please bring proof you are a non-profit/charitable organization 501(c) 3, 501(c) 4 or similar status.

Festival Foods will supply you with:

  • The Brat Stand
  • 1 Extension Cord
  • 1 Soda Receptacle
  • 2 Nesco Roasters
  • 1 Grill (no additional grills are allowed)
  • Paper Hats
  • Sanitary Gloves
  • Sleeves/Sheets for Food Product

It is recommended that you bring the following:

  • 1 knife to slice buns
  • 2+ Grill Spatulas
  • 2+ Grill Tongs
  • Cake Pan (to transfer meat)
  • Grill Utensils/Serrated Knife
  • Oven Mitts
  • Crock Pot for Hot Dogs (if selling)
  • 2 Coolers (for meat)
  • Cash Box (Change: $1, $5, $10, Quarters — at least $20 of each)
  • Card Table (for condiments)
  • Chairs
  • Extra Extension Cord
  • Small Containers/Utensils (for condiments)

Shopping List

  • Ground Beef Patties
  • Festival Oktoberfest Brats (precooked)
  • Festival Bakery Buns
  • Hot Dogs (optional)
  • Charcoal
  • Matches/Lighter Fluid/Charcoal (if charcoal grill)
  • Propane Payment (if gas grill)
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Napkins
  • Ice
  • Beef Broth or Dried Onion Soup Packet Added to Water (Beer is NOT allowed)
  • Soda (must be Pepsi products)
  • Season Salt (optional)
  • Relish (optional)
  • Sauerkraut (optional)
  • Sliced Pickles (optional)
  • Diced Onions (optional)

Opening Checklist:

  • Arrive at 9 a.m. (this allows time for setup and getting the grill ready to cook)
  • Go to the service desk and a manager will open the Brat Stand, go over the rules and answer any questions at this time.
  • Purchase items needed from Festival Foods.
  • Begin grilling, preparing cash drawer to make change and familiarize yourself with the Brat Stand.

Closing Checklist:

  • Finish grilling product and close up the grill (if applicable) — leave the hot coals to cool overnight. You should finish grilling products about two hours before you intend to close the stand.
  • Make sure the Brat Stand is clean and swept. Tie up garbage bags and place them next to the Brat Stand.
  • Take a final look to make sure the Brat Stand is in the condition you found it and that nothing is left behind.
  • Festival Foods will accept unopened cases of soda only.
  • Go to the service desk to have a manager check the Brat Stand.
  • If all instructions have been followed, sign the checkout sheet and your deposit* will be refunded.

*$20 of your deposit will be refunded back — $5 goes towards the cost of required items needed per the Health Department.

brat stand sign

Download Checklists

Necessary Items   |  What to Bring

Questions or Cancellations?

Email bratstand@festfoods.com